Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exam week

Yeah, actually is was started on 19th May 2009

1. The first was Bahasa Arab, alhamdulilah finally i had finished all the part for the first time. Haha but i know maybe i'll get average haha, no mind but tried my best for this subject

2. The next day is English paper 2, haha i'm happy because the novel part i had memorized all the word and the important Keys. Yeahhh and after that is english paper 1, yeah it's quite harder but i think i deserved it with the best answer haha. After one our later was Bahasa Melayu 1, yeahh seriously it's not hard and easy but it's totally more about thinking and though. Haha

3. Today is Mathematics paper 2, gaaahhh i'm do it my best, teacher said to all my classmate"it's ok you're tried your best and if you think this paper is not good make sure your first paper u'll get 40/40 marks" Thanks teacher. After recess, was Bahasa Melayu 2, yaah i hate to wrote this thing but once i've wrote i can't stop it. The question more about benefit, and disavantage. Haha, whatever i tried my best

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